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英語詞綴fore- (front; before; beforehand) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時間: 2018-06-24 09:41:03   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: fore-也是個本族語前綴,它來自英語介副詞fore,原意是before, 可表示時間或位置的“前”,fore-是派生前綴,只與單詞相綴合,...

fore-也是個本族語前綴,它來自英語介副詞fore,原意是before, 可表示時間或位置的“前”。fore-是派生前綴,只與單詞相綴合,意為front,before, beforehand等。它在構(gòu)詞中起修飾作用,所以,一般不影響詞基單詞的詞性。以下是幾個常用的含fore-的派生詞。

forefoot [ fore- = front 前;foot n. 腳=>“front foot 前腳” ]n. one of the front feet of an animal (獸的)前腳 / The horse hurt its forefoot in the race. 馬在比賽中前蹄受了傷。

foreground [ fore- = front 前;ground n. 場地=>“front ground 前場”→]n . part of a picture toward the front (圖畫的)前景 / The foreground of the picture shows a cottage, while mountains loom in the background.這幅畫的前景是座農(nóng)舍,其背景是隱約可見的山巒。

foreword [ fore- = front 前;word n. 言語=>“the word at the front 寫在前面的話 ”→]n.  introduction or preface to a book 前言,序言 / The foreword was no more than a statement thanking those who had helped the author with the book.那前言只是個聲明,對曾幫助該書作者的人表示謝意。


forenoon [ fore- = before 在…前;noon n. 中午=> “ (the time) before noon 午前的(時間)”→]n. & a. (the time) between early morning and noon 午前(的),上午(的)/ The morning watch passed into a forenoon watch. 早班轉(zhuǎn)成中班。


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  • 上一篇:英語詞綴in- (not; lack of) 與派生詞
  • 下一篇:英語詞綴for- (forth; away) 與派生詞

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