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發(fā)布時間: 2018-11-17 09:29:55   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: Tutor和Curator法律術語分析及英語解釋,粘貼出來供大家參考。

兩個單詞均有“監(jiān)護人”的含義。其區(qū)別在于tutor多在大陸法中指未成年人的監(jiān)護人[1]。而curator可用在普通法中,指很久之前對已經達到full age和具有一切權利之人(尤指males, 稱為a person who is sui juris)的臨時監(jiān)護人[2];在大陸法中,curator則同樣可指對未成年人,即minor有監(jiān)護權的監(jiān)護人,只是其監(jiān)護的對象已經到達一定年齡段,其所負的責任與tutor也有一定差異此外,其還指法院指定的對外出而不在住所或居所者(absentee)的財產之監(jiān)管人[4]。

[1]“ tutor:Civil Law. A guardian of a minor;a person appointed to have the care of the minor's person and estate. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1521,West Group (1999)

[2]“ One of the old monuments of Roman legislation placed all free males who were of full years and rights under the temporary control of new class of guardians,called curators. ”Cf. Henry S. Maine, Ancient Law, 17th edition, at p. 134.

[3]“ The guardian of a minor past a certain age is called a curator and has duties somewhat different from these of a tutor. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1521, West Group (1999)

[4]“A person appointed to take care of the estate of an absentee. ”Cf. The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p. 265, West Publishing Co. (1991). 



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