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Trover 和 Detinue法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋

發(fā)布時間: 2018-11-10 09:52:31   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: Trover 和 Detinue法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋,粘貼出來供大家參考。

兩者均是與動產(chǎn)被他人非法占有相關(guān)的普通法上的訴訟。區(qū)別在于detinue ( “因財產(chǎn)被非法占用而索賠之訴”)是指因財產(chǎn)被被告非法扣留而要求索回原財產(chǎn)之訴(a common law action for the recovery of person property belonging to the plaintiff that is wrongfully detained by the defendant[1])。而 trover ( “追索非法占用財產(chǎn)之訴”) 則指因財產(chǎn)被非法占用而要求得到原財產(chǎn)價值數(shù)量之補償,而非原物本身[2],其也稱為trover and conversion。 


[1] Cf. Linda Pacard Wood,Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law, at p. 137, Merri-am-Webster, Incorporated (1996).

[2] "A common-law action for the recovery of damages for the conversion of pereonal property, the damages generally being measured by the value of the property",Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1513, West Group (1999). “trover is an ancient French word meaning an action originally lay only against a person who happened upon property belonging to another and kept it for his own use instead of giving it back to its owner. ”Cf. James E . Clapp, Random House Webster's Dictionary of the Law,at p. 437, Random House, New York (2000).



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