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?Contempt 和 Contumacy法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋

發(fā)布時間: 2017-10-06 09:26:09   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 粘貼出來?Contempt 和 Contumacy法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋以供大家參考。

在法律英語中,contempt為“藐視法庭罪”(也稱為contempt of court),指故意不服從法庭命令或有意干擾法庭程序的行為[1]。藐視法庭罪一般分為兩種,即“直接藐視” (direct contempt)和“推定巍視”(constructive contempt)(也稱為“間接藐視”:indirect contempt [2]。直接藐視法庭是指在法庭上的言行冒犯,如咆哮公堂等,其也稱為“刑事藐視”criminal contempt [3]。 (注意的是“刑事藐視”更多的是與civil contempt相對)?!巴贫暌暋被颉伴g接藐視”法庭之行為主要指不執(zhí)行或拒絕服從合法的裁決[4]。以往推定藐視也被稱為consequential contempt,此術(shù)語現(xiàn)偶爾也還在使用[5]。
藐視法庭罪也可分類為“刑事藐視” (criminal contempt) (也稱為“普通法上的藐視法庭罪” :common-law contempt)和“民事藐視”(civil contempt)兩種[6]。刑事藐視是指不尊重法庭或阻撓審判工作的順利進行[7];民事藐視是指拒不執(zhí)行法院已生效的判決或命令[8]。
此外,contumacy也有藐視法庭的含義,其主要指拒不出庭或在法庭上不服從命令或指示,前者稱為推定藐視法庭(行為) (presumed contumacy),后者稱為事實上的親視法庭(行為) (actual contumacy)[9] 。

[1] " A judicial finding of willful disobedience of an order, or other willful disrupting the procedures of a court. Unless otherwise specified, contempt alone usually means contempt of court. ”Cf. James E. Clapp, Random House Webster's Dictionary of the Law,at p. 103, Random House (2000).
[2] " Contempts are, generally, of two kinds, direct and constructive. ”Cf. The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p. 221,West Publishing Co. (1991).


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