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Comparative negligence 和 Contributory negligence 法律術(shù)語分析

發(fā)布時間: 2017-10-05 09:39:07   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):

[4] 參見《英漢法律詞典》編委會編:《英漢法律詞典》(修訂版),法律出版社1999年版,第182頁;陸谷孫編:《英漢大詞典》,上海外文出版社1995年,第682頁;陳慶柏等譯:《英漢雙解法律詞典》,世界圖書出版社1998年版,第129 頁;[英]維克M.沃克編:《牛津法律大辭典》,光明日報出版社1983年版,第 207 頁。
[5] "A negligence by a plaintiff contributing to the injury or loss that is the subject of a tort case, as when a plaintiff sues over an automobile accident that was primarily caused by the defendant but was also partly caused or made worse by inattentiveness on the part of the plaintiff." Cf. James E. Clapp,Random House Webster's Dictionary of the Law, at p. 297,
Random House, New York (2000).


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