

搜索 導航
2019-06-14 15:25:57    譯聚網(wǎng)    可可英語    

The legal aspects of international business


A:Today,we have invited a special guest. Prof. Yang. He will give us some advice on the legal aspects of international business. 

Your international legal advice is important to our business well being. Please give us some counsels on such issues as which laws govern the contract, what recourse is available for default or breach of contract by our clients or what to do if a dispute arises.


B:The significance of understanding the nuance and distinctions of foreign customs and business practices are a continual challenge for global entrepreneurs and trader. Despite many countries accession to WTO membership, trade and investment frictions are still predominant among existing membership. However, these frictions will be better managed under the WTO trade rules and the organization's dispute settlement mechanism.


A:In spite of this, international business contracts and arrangement must be precise, specific and all-inclusive to lessen misunderstanding, misconceptions and disagreements to the minimum。


B:Problem and disputes occur mainly due to difference in the laws of countries involved. For this very reason, it is imperative to establish from the outset which law governs when disputes arise. The most fundamental principle of all international contracts is the applicable laws and regulations. Make sure that the arbitration clause in your business contract be all-inclusive.

B:出現(xiàn)問題和爭論主要是因為各國的法律不同。正因為這個原因從一開始建立爭論出現(xiàn)時哪部法律適用這個問題是至關重要的。所有國際合同的最基本原則是可實施的法律法規(guī)。必須明確你們的商 務合同中的仲裁條款應包括一切

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