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Promise,Acceptance 和 Offer法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋
2018-03-18 09:32:39    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

三者均為合同法中常用詞。其中,promise是要約人向被要約人所作要約,為一種主動(dòng)的“允諾”或“許諾”[1]。而acceptance 則為 “承諾”,是被要約人(offeree)對(duì)要約(offer) 的一種認(rèn)可[2]。offer則與promise意思相同,是主動(dòng)對(duì)他人的 “要約”[3];但與promise不同的是offer可以撤銷(revocable); 而promise作為“允諾”則不能撤銷[4]。

[1]“A party's undertaking about its future conduct. " Cf. G. H. L. Fridman, The Law of Contract in Canada,2 nd edition, at p. 1,Carswell (1986). " a declaration or manifestation ,esp. in a contract, of an intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified way that gives the party to whom it is made a right to expect its fulfillment." Cf. Linda Picard Wood, J. D.,Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law, at p. 389, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Springfield, Massachusetts (1996).

[2] "An agreement, either by express act or by implication from conduct, to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is fonned. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 11 , West Group (1999).

[3 ] "One person's indication to another that she or he is willing to enter into a contract with that person on certain terms. ” Cf. Daphne Dukelow, The Dictionary of Canadian Law, at p. 711, Thomson Professional Publishing; Canada (1991).

[4] Therefore, an offer is revocable, a promise is not. ” Cf. William R Arson, Some

Notes on Terminology in contract, 7 Law Q. Rev. at pp. 337, 337 (1891)

上一篇:Notice of service法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋
下一篇:Writ of subpoena 和citation法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋



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