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發(fā)布時間: 2023-10-11 09:29:04   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 中醫(yī)理論認為,社會環(huán)境與自然環(huán)境相互作用、互為依存,人的身心也是一種相互作用、互為依存的關系。

1. 中醫(yī)起源于6000年前的神農氏時代,這位著名的中國古代藥王所生活的時代被認為是中醫(yī)史上的萌芽階段。(節(jié)選自《高口》第291頁)

模板句型1:Traditional Chinese medicine originated from/dated back to the Shennong era 6,000 years ago. Shennong, the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China lived in this era, which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

模板句型2:Traditional Chinese medicine originated with Shennong,the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China who lived about 6,000 years ago, a time which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

模板句型精析:這個句子屬于敘述類(narration)文體,這類文體多用于介紹文化或人物背景。本句的關鍵詞是“起源于”,可以用“originate from/date back to+時間”進行引導,如模板句型1。如果敘述類問題中出現(xiàn)時間、人物的轉換,可如模板句型一樣進行斷句翻譯。此外,翻譯敘述類文體時,wh-要素,即who(人物)、when(時間)、where(地點)、what(事件)及why(原因)是應該側重記錄或考慮的對象。模板句型2采用了“originate with+人物”的結構,在這里,考生必須將這些要素進行重組,從而做到story-retelling,而將各要素聯(lián)系起來的關鍵是定語從句等枝形結構。考生可嘗試將所聽到的敘述類故事用這些句型進行串聯(lián),相信經(jīng)過長期強化訓練,肯定能提高這方面表述的專業(yè)性。

2. 中醫(yī)名著《神農本草經(jīng)》總結了秦朝前的經(jīng)驗,共載藥物365種,按主治、功用和毒性分成三大類,是中國的一部歷史最悠久的藥典。(節(jié)選自《高口》第291頁)

模板句型:Shennong's Herbal Classic,the famous TCM work that sums up medical experiences prior to the Qin (221-207 BC) Dynasty, records 365 varieties of medicinal herbs and classifies them into three categories in accordance with their respective primary treatments, functions and toxic characters. This is the earliest pharmacopoeia ever found in China.

常見不當譯文:Shennong's Herbal Classic,the famous TCM work sums up medical experiences prior to the Qin (221-207 BC) Dynasty, records 365 varieties of medicinal herbs and classifies them into three categories in accordance with their respective primary treatments, functions and toxic characters, which is the earliest pharmacopoeia ever found in China.


3. 首先,中醫(yī)認為“萬物人為貴”。(節(jié)選自《高口》第291頁)

模板句型1:Firstly,TCM believes that human is unparalleled/unrivaled/unequaled in the world.

模板句型2:First,TCM believes that“nothing compares to human's life”.

模板句型3:TCM gives priority to human's life.

模板句型精析:考試中出現(xiàn)的中國特色的成語或古句,往往是考生心頭永遠的痛。但考生一開始還應該用最直白的方式對古句進行繞譯。這個句子經(jīng)過繞譯后無非就是對“人”的最高級的體現(xiàn)。因此,模板句型1中采用了unparalleled,unrivaled,unequaled 這類形容詞,即“無與倫比”、“不可比擬”。相對于the best,the most important等詞而言,這些形容詞更體現(xiàn)了表達的正式性。這類詞在對景點或企業(yè)宣傳介紹中也非常實用。模板句型2采用了“反譯法”,也非常符合最高級的語境?!按宋镒詈谩奔础盁o其他能望其項背”。模板句型3采用了“簡譯”的方式,give priority to表示優(yōu)先注重,其級別可見一斑。在企業(yè)宣傳中,如出現(xiàn)類似于“本店恪守‘顧客至上’的原則”的表述,除了照搬直譯以外,We give priority to customers.也是簡而不失雅的譯法。


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