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發(fā)布時間: 2023-10-07 09:30:27   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 環(huán)境類口譯熱點例文,隨著新一輪環(huán)保行動計劃的實施,上海將有更多的藍天白云、碧水綠地,上海的環(huán)境質量將逐步達到國際上先進...


模板句型精析:This year,Shanghai will launch a new round of three-year environmental protection campaign. How does this campaign differ from that of the first round and what does the new round intend to achieve?

常見不當譯文:This year,Shanghai will launch a new round of three-year environmental protection campaign. How does the new round of three-year environmental protection campaign differ from that of the first round of three-year environmental protection campaign and what does the new round of environmental protection campaign tend to achieve?


2. 最近一個時期,上海連續(xù)出現(xiàn)藍天白云、空氣清新的好天氣。

模板句型1:The recent days have witnessed/seen the incessant fine weather with blue sky,white clouds and fresh air in Shanghai.

模板句型2:Recently,Shanghai has been enjoying a fine weather with blue sky,white clouds and fresh air.

常見不當譯法:Recently,the fine weather with blue sky,white clouds and fresh air has appeared incessantly in Shanghai.

模板句型精析:常見不當譯文有明顯的翻譯腔。這個模塊句子是“多主句”,可如模板句型1,選擇時間段為主語,運用模板句型“時間點/段+see/witness+adj.+n.”進行翻譯;也可如模板句型2,選擇地點“上海”作為主語,這時,后面的謂語動詞應選用enjoy,這個詞也是非常高頻的模塊詞,比如說某企業(yè)“享譽全球”,可以用enjoy global reputation來表達。能用好“多主句”,考生在考場上就不會“六神無主”了。


模板句型1:The improvement of Shanghai's air quality shows/indicates/manifests the initial success in Shanghai's environmental treatment. The first round of Shanghai's three-year environmental protection campaign involved/contained 110 projects in the 5 major areas/fields/domains/realms, including water environment treatment, air environment treatment, disposal of solid waste, greening construction, and comprehensive environmental treatment of key industrial areas.

模板句型2:The improvement of Shanghai's air quality is an indication/a manifestation of the initial success in Shanghai's environmental treatment. The first round of Shanghai's three-year environmental protection campaign involved/contained water environment treatment, air environment treatment, disposal of solid waste, greening construction, and comprehensive environmental treatment of key industrial areas. The above five major areas covered 110 projects.

模板句型精析:模塊長句中第一句的難點在于“可以說是”,這里并不是“say”的意思。訪談類文字中出現(xiàn)相對口語化的詞語的頻率更高,在理解的基礎上進行翻譯是非常重要的。模板句型1使用show,indicate 或manifest 便是明智的選擇,因為前面的現(xiàn)象正是環(huán)境治理的成果。這種高頻模塊詞在研究報告中出現(xiàn)的頻率也很高,比如“本圖/表/研究報告表明……”等。而模板句型2則做了“動靜轉化”,通過be+a(n)+n.的結構來完成和原有動詞的轉換。句子的后半部分是一個長句,是典型的并列結構。因此,考生可如模板句型1,通過involve/contain.., including...的結構性語言完成翻譯,當然,“包括”未必譯作include,這里充分體現(xiàn)了語言選擇的多樣性。在口譯時,必須做到順句驅動,因此考生按照模板句型2翻譯時,結尾部分宜采用“分句法”另起一句。除此以外,對于“在……領域”這些引導并列結構的詞組,考生也應熟記于心。


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