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英語詞綴re- ( red-) (back; again; against) 與派生詞

發(fā)布時間: 2018-09-27 09:15:41   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):

reflect [ re- = back 回;fleet = to bend 彎曲“to bend back 彎曲后又反彈回來”→]v. turn or throw back (light,heat, sound, etc.) 反射(光、熱、聲等)/ The sidewalks reflect heat on a hot day. 大熱天人行道會把熱量反射過來。

reflection n. 反射;反照;反映 

reflective a. 反射的;反映的

regress [ re- = back 回;gress = to go 走→]v. go back; move backward 退回;倒退 / They indicate an area of sedimentation, as when a sea regresses from the land. 他們指出一片沉積地帶, 那是海水從陸地上退卻后現(xiàn)出來的。

regression n. 回歸,復(fù)歸;倒退;退步

regressive a. 回歸的;倒退的;退步的

rehabilitate [ re- = again 重新;habilit = to hold 掌握;-ate v.=>“to hold again 重新掌握”→]v. restore (a person) to a former position 恢復(fù)(某人的)地位 / He completely rehabilitated himself and again became a respected citizen. 他完全恢復(fù)了名譽,又成為受人尊敬的公民。

rehabilitation n. 恢復(fù)

reject [ re- = back 回; ject = to throw 拋→]v. ① throw back or send away 拋棄;丟掉 / First we should reject those weak seedlings. 我們得先把弱苗剔除掉。②refuse to accept 拒收,抵制 / He tried to join the army but was rejected because of poor health. 他想?yún)④?,但因身體差被拒絕了。

rejection n. 拒絕,抵制;拋棄;駁回


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