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Friend of the court和 Intervenor法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋

發(fā)布時間: 2018-10-03 11:47:21   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: Third party, Outside party, Third person, Impleaded party, Third party defendant, Amicus curiae, Friend of the court和...

以上術(shù)語均與“第三人訴訟” (third party proceedings或 third party action)中的“第三人”相關(guān)。其中,third party (也稱為outside party,third person)為“訴訟第三人”,泛指經(jīng)被告申請后進入本訴(this action)審判程序但卻不屬于本訴主要當事人(principal party)的人或?qū)嶓w[1]。其作用主要是分擔(contribution) 或補償(imdemnity)被告在訴訟中的損失。

在訴訟中,被告為保護自己的利益,可用impleader的方式,對原本不是本訴被告的第三人提起訴訟主張(claim),使之成為第三人之訴(third party proceedings)的被告。這種由被告追加成為訴訟當事人的第三人則被稱為impleaded party (被告追加的訴訟第三人)或third party defendant (第三人之訴的被告)[2]。

此外,第三人也可自愿參與訴訟,成為intervener (或intervenor)(“ 參與訴訟者”)或 amicus curiae (或 friend of the court) (“法庭之友”)。“參與訴訟者”與“法庭之友”之區(qū)別在于前者完全是因為利益相關(guān)而自愿介人訴訟,而后者則可能是自愿或經(jīng)法院要求而參與訴訟[3]。凡以intervenor身份參與訴訟的形式被稱為 intervention 。

[1]“Someone other than the principal parties, also termed outside party. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1489,West Group (1999).

[2]“In order to provide defending parties an opportunity to more fully protect themselves , most procedural systems provide some mechanism by which the defendant can bring in (implead) a third party defendant (impleaded party). ”Id. at p. 116.

[3]“An intervenor is a person who is not already a party to an ongoing action but who seeks voluntarily to be made a party, typically because she shares some interest in the litigation and is concerned that in her absence that interest will not be adequately protected. ”Id. at p. 118. Amicus curiae is“ a person who is not a party to a lawsuit but who petitions the court or is requested by the court to file a brief in the action because that person has a strong interest in the subject matter.”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1489, West Group (1999).



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