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Disease Introduction of Shock

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2024-08-29 09:38:50   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)   瀏覽次數(shù):

What Is Anaphylactic Shock?

Anaphylactic (an-a-fi-LAK-tik) shock isa severe allergic reaction. Depending on the individual, the trigger may be a certain medication, a blood transfusion, a bee sting, or particular foods, such as peanuts. During anaphylactic shock, fluid leaks out from the blood vessels and the blood vessels dilate. This type of shock is sometimes fatal.

What Are the Symptoms of Shock?

Whatever its cause, people with shock have rapid and shallow breathing, cold and clammy skin, a weak but rapid pulse, low blood pressure, and weakness all over the body. They are dizzy, confused, and may become unconscious.

How Is Shock Treated?

People in shock require immediate transport by ambulance to a hospital. Until the ambulance arrives, a friend, family member, or other onlooker should take on the role of caregiver and have the person lie down on the back with the feet raised about a foot higher than the head. This position helps get the blood flowing to the brain and heart. The caregiver should also cover the person with a coat or blankets to keep the individual warm.

Medical workers will try to raise the blood pressure by giving fluids intravenously (through a needle into a vein). If the shock was caused by blood loss, they may also start a blood transfusion. If the blood pressure still remains dangerously Iow, they may use drugs known as pressors to raise the blood pressure. For anaphylactic shock, medical professionals give the drug epinephrine (ep-i-NEF-rin), also called adrenaline, to constrict (narrow) the blood vessels. For septic shock, doctors may give a drug called drotrecogin alpha, and in some cases they may prescribe corticosteroids but only at low dosage. Several studies of high-dosage corticosteroid therapy have shown it is not beneficial and may even be damaging.

Another common treatment for shock is oxygen. Medical professionals routinely administer oxygen, and in some cases they may put the patient on a ventilator (a breathing machine) to increase the amount of oxygen getting to the cells. If septic shock is suspected, they may also give intravenous antibiotics.

Once the person is out of immediate danger, doctors can try to treat the underlying cause of the shock.

How Can Shock Be Prevented?

Individuals can reduce their chances of experiencing shock by following safety rules to prevent fires and serious accidents, including car crashes. To avert bacterial infections that can cause septic shock, hospitals have rules about sterilizing equipment and washing hands. To prevent anaphylactic shock, people with allergies must take care to avoid the foods or other substances that trigger them.



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