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Disease Introduction of Sepsis

發(fā)布時間: 2024-08-28 09:46:07   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: Sepsis is caused most commonly by bacteria in the bloodstream, a condition known as bacteremia.


Sepsis is a serious systemic infection caused by bacteria in the blood-stream.

What Is Sepsis?

Sepsis is caused most commonly by bacteria in the bloodstream, a condition known as bacteremia (bak-tuh-REE-me-uh). These bacteria produce toxins that provoke a response by the body's immune system. The effect of the toxins combined with the response of the immune system brings about the disease. Bacteremia may resolve by itself, or it can lead to sepsis if the bacteria are not removed by the immune system. Although bacteremia and sepsis frequently coexist, each can be present without the other. The bacteria may come from a local infection, such as pneumonia or a urinary tract infection, or they may come from the nose, skin, or intestines, where bacteria live without causing problems unless they enter the bloodstream. The most common sources of infection that lead to sepsis are the lungs, skin, intestine, urinary tract, and gall bladder.

Sepsis is most dangerous to people with weak immune systems, such as infants, the elderly, people with HIV/AIDS or cancer, or those who have undergone organ transplantation. In infants younger than three months, any fever may be a sign of sepsis or another serious infection. Doctors advise immediate evaluation of these infants and prompt treatment with antibiotics if sepsis is suspected. Group B streptococcus (strep-tuh-KAH-kus) bacteria passed from mother to baby during birth are a major cause of sepsis in infants. Streptococcus pneumoniae (strep-tuh-КAH-kus nu-MO-nye) and Neisseria meningitidis (nye-SEER-c-uh meh-nin-JIH-tih-dis) bacteria are associated with sepsis in older children and in adults. Sepsis in adults most often is seen after surgery or some other medical procedure in the hospital, but it may occur outside the hospital, particularly associated with urinary tract infection.

How Common Is Sepsis?

Sepsis is not very common. According to the National Library of Medicine, sepsis develops in about 2 of every 10,000 people in the general population. In infants, sepsis occurs in fewer than 1 to 2 per 1,000 live births. Sepsis is a complication in about two of every 100 hospitalizations, where related intravenous (IV) lines, surgical wounds or drains, and bedsores can be entry points for bacteria.

Is Sepsis Contagious?

Sepsis itself is not contagious, but the infectious agents that can cause sepsis can be transmitted from person to person. For example, in newborns, group B streptococcus organisms can spread from mother to baby during delivery.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis?

Early symptoms of sepsis may include fever, shaking chills, rapid breathing and heartbeat, confusion, delirium, and rash. As the infection spreads, a person's blood pressure drops, leading to a condition known as shock. Body organs that have important functions, including the liver, lungs, and kidneys, may begin to shut down. The blood-clotting system may also be affected. Sepsis in young children may be more difficult to diagnose at first because it has fewer obvious symptoms. Children may have a fever oг changing temperature, a change in heart rate, or difficulty breathing. They might also be irritable or sluggish, and they may lose interest in eating.


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