

搜索 導(dǎo)航
2019-01-15 09:16:35    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

20世紀(jì)下半葉,宗教世俗化的步伐加快。道教、佛教和基督教等,為順應(yīng)高速發(fā)展的社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)變革,紛紛提出民間宗教、生活宗教的號(hào)召,宗教的世俗化與社會(huì)的世俗化幾乎同步進(jìn)行 ,各宗教更多地關(guān)注并參與世俗社會(huì)的各項(xiàng)事業(yè)。宗教界一再撩起自己神秘的面紗,直面社會(huì)各界大眾。這為普通游客提供了了解宗教文化的機(jī)會(huì)。而宗教場(chǎng)所也往往扮演了作為地方歷史文化的有形載體的重要角色。

1)“絲綢之路佛教石窟游”(A Tour of the Silk Road Grottoes)。The Silk Road once played an important role in the economic and cultural exchanges between the east and the west, and bequeathed a wealth of cultural relics. Grotto art is a magnificent part of this legacy. China's grottoes are mainly scattered along the Silk Road in Gansu Province. The Silk Road started at Xi’an,capital of Shaanxi Province.

敦煌重彩雕塑 Dunhuang Colored Sculptures

大足石刻 Dazu Stone Sculptures

南窟 The South Grottoes

北窟 The North Grottoes

萬(wàn)木宮石窟 Wangmugong Grottoes

須彌山石窟M(jìn)t. Xumi Grottoes

石兒溝石窟 Shi'ergou Grottoes

麥積山石窟 Mt. Maiji Grottoes

大祥山石窟 Mt. Daxiang Grottoes

華蓋寺石窟 Huagai Temple Grottoes

水濂洞石窟 Shuiliandong Grottoes

姥娛寺石窟 Muti Temple Grottoes

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