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Reparation 和 Satisfaction法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋
2018-06-03 15:11:11    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

以上是國際法上的兩個術(shù)語,均有“國際補償”或“國際賠償”的含義[1]。實際上,reparation是一總概念,指一個國家因違反國際義務(wù)或責任而被要求終止違法行為,以及在某些情況下要求予以賠償(A state that has violated an international obligation is required to terminate the wrong act and to appropriate cases to make reparation. [2]),其包括兩種形式,即狹義的reparation 和satisfaction。狹義的reparation的目的主要在于恢復(fù)原狀或作物質(zhì)損害的賠償(The purpose of reparation is simply to restore preexisting conditions or to compensate for material injury[3]),其可以是純粹的恢復(fù)原狀(restitution pure or simple)或損害賠償 (pure damages)的形式賠償,也可以是部分恢復(fù)原狀及部分損害賠償金的形式賠償(It may consist partly of restitution and partly of damages)。

相比之下,satisfaction則主要指道義或非物質(zhì)的賠償,如以道歉或修復(fù)外交關(guān)系等方式進行。即便有時給予金錢,也不是向reparation那樣是對物質(zhì)損害的賠償,而只是作為對過錯行為的一種額外的道歉(Satisfaction is a term primarily applied to compensation for the moral or non-material consequences of an act foe which a state is internationally responsible. Some of the common forms satisfaction may take include apology or amends of a diplomatic character. In some cases a pecuniary compensation is paid not as reparation for a material wrong, but as an additional apology for the wrongful act committed[4])。

[1] 參見《英漢法律詞典》編寫組編:《英漢法律詞典》,法律出版社1999年版,第679、711頁。

[2] Cf. Hugh M. Kindred, International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, at p. 626,Emond Montgomery Publications Limited (1987).

[3] Id. at p. 626.

[4] Id. at p. 626.

下一篇:Renewal 和 Extension法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋



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