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Admission, Confession 和 Statement法律術語分析
2017-08-07 09:05:04    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

三個術語均與被告招認違法或犯罪事實有關。confession多限于刑事犯罪領域(在加拿大民事訴訟程序中,其可等同于formal admission),指刑事被告完全承認其被指控的犯罪及有關定罪所需的所有事實,或至少是主要事實,并承認有罪(acknowledgement of guilt) , 有供認不諱的含義,陪審團根據(jù)其招供則可作出有罪裁定,故為“供認”[1]。相比之下,admission常用作指對民事責任行為的承認。在刑事領域,admission多指對無犯罪故意的刑事責任行為的招認,多表示承認一個或數(shù)個事實, 此種招供遠沒有達到足以定罪的程度;與confession相比,admission 主要的區(qū)別在于被告無認罪表示(An admission is a confession that an allegation or factual assertion is true without any acknowledgement of guilt with respect to the criminal charges,whereas a confession involves an acknowledgement of guilt as well as of the true of predicate factual allegations[2] ),故 admission 應譯為“供述”而不能是“供認”,因其沒有“認”,即認罪的含義。在刑事訴訟中,statement主要是指警方在偵破犯罪過程中對某人, 尤指疑犯的招供所作的記錄和報告[an account of a person's (usually a suspect's) acknowledgement of a crime,taken by the police pursuant to their investigation of the offense[3]],故應譯為“供述記錄”。

[1 ]有關 confession 的各種定義:“ A criminal suspect's acknowledgement of guilt, usually in writing and often including details about the crime." Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 293, West Group (1999). "A written or oral statement by an accused party acknowledging the party's guilt (as by admitting commission of a crime) ? ” Cf. Linda Picard Wood,J. D. Meniam Webster's Dictionary of Law, at pp. 94 —95,Merriam- Webster, Incorporated Springfield, Massachusetts (1996). “A statement made by an accused person, whether before or after he is accused of an offense, that is completely or partially self- incriminating with respect to the offense of which he is accused. ” Cf. Daphne Dukelow, The Dictionary of Canadian Law, at p. 195,A Carswell Publication (1991).
[2 ] Cf. James E. Clapp, Random House Webster's Dictionary of the Law,at p. 29, Random House, New York (2000).
[3 ] Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 1416, West Group (1999).

上一篇:Adolescent 和 Youth法律術語分析
下一篇:Admissibility, Relevance, Weight 和 Sufficiency



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