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admiralty court 和naval court法律術語分析
2017-08-02 22:12:35    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    
兩術語均指與海洋相關事項的法院。區(qū)別在于admiralty court主要是對有關海事的合同、侵權、傷害和犯罪行使管轄權的法院,故其為“海事法院”,
也稱為admiralty或maritime court[1]。值得注意的是在英國,盡管admiralty有“海軍部”或 “與海軍相關”的含義[2],但admiralty court卻決非是
“海軍法院”或“海軍軍事法庭”[3],而是地道的“海事法院”,盡管在 1340年初建時,“最初看起來設置這些法庭的目的是預防和懲罰 海盜行為”,
并“是海軍大臣助理主審的法院”w。事實上, “海軍軍事法院或法庭”應該是naval martial-court,其是實施管 轄海軍的法律規(guī)則(naval law)的法院(庭)[5]。
相比之下,術語naval court中盡管也有naval —詞,但其卻應是“海事事故法庭”(與軍事法庭無關,至于naval一詞,大概與先前英國的船舶管理均屬于準軍事化
規(guī)定有關),此種法庭由國外停泊的船舶 的船長或使館官員組成,專門負責處理船主或貨主(owner of ship or cargo)提出的緊急調(diào)查申訴或船舶被遺棄、沉沒、滅失 等意外事故案件[6]。
[1] "A court that exercises jurisdiction over all maritime contracts,torts,injuries,or offenses.” Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black’s Law Dictionary, 7 th edition, at p. 47, West Group (1999).
[2] "Brit. the executive department or officers having jurisdiction over naval affairs generally" ; “ Of or belonging to British naval affaire or officials. B Cf. Philip Babcock Grove, Ph. D. , Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Una?bridged ,at p. 28, G & C Merriam Co. (1976).
[3] "參見《英漢法律詞典》編寫組編:《英漢法律詞典》,法律出版社1985年 版,第29頁。
[4] "[英]參見戴維M.沃克編:《牛津法律大辭典》,光明曰報出版社1989年 版,第22頁。
[5] "Id. at p. 632.
[6] "Id. at p. 632. “Naval court:any officer who commands a ship belonging to Her Majesty on any foreign station or any consular officer may hold such a court when a complaint which requires immediate investigation arises,when the owner*s interest in any Canadian ship or cargo seems to require it or when a Canadian ship is abandoned, wrecked or lost. " Cf. R. M. Fernandes & C. Burke, The Annotated Canada Shipping Act, at p. 213, Toronto, But- terwoiths (1988).

上一篇:Admissibility, Relevance, Weight 和 Sufficiency
下一篇:Adjudicative fact和Legislative fact法律術語分析



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