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發(fā)布時間: 2017-09-13 09:34:25   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 譯者必須注意其文字技術之實踐應用,所謂文字技術乃包括大小寫、某些拼法和標點而言,這種文字技術至關重要,但又往往被視作雕...


英語之文字技術固有有關的工具書可供參考(過去的steno 可說無人無之)。但工具書往往落后于言語實際,故譯者欲與實踐同步必須注意觀察——特別是觀察有影響的書刊。

如一般12以下之數(shù)詞多用英語拼出(而不用阿拉伯數(shù)字表示),美國英語中稱美國聯(lián)邦政府時用大寫的Government,“綁架” 的英語有時作“kidnaping" 有時作“kidnapping”但這些實踐已成過去:
1. That small but hardy band of dedicated readers who keep track of TIME's practices concerning capitalization, punctuation and other style points will be interested to know that starting with this week's issue ( Time, July 23, 1990 ). We'll be making some changes.

2. In the past we have spelled out numbers zero through twelve ; now we'll use figures for 10,11 and 12 . We used to capitalize the word government when it referred to the U. S. governing body; now we will capitalize it only when it appears with the word Federal. Kidnapping will be spelled with two ps.

文字技術的處理往往(通過文字編輯)取決于個別的出版社或書刊,因此不同的刊物或出版社有不同的處理(據(jù)筆者記憶,作為“政府”解的“行政”,英語是“administration” 還是“Administration”? 這在Time與Newsweek兩刊而言,就是各是所是的一一前刊使用大寫而后刊則使用小寫。

3. These modifications. . . reflect our constant monitoring of a living language and our desire to keep TIME within the mainstream of Americaa usage.
                                                                                   —Time, July 23, 1990, p. 5
心目中有讀者群眾的刊物在拼寫技術處理上往往也會吸收讀者的意見作必要的修改。例如1990年3月起,Time把“羅馬尼亞”也拼作“ Romania" 了(而前此是一向拼作“Rumania”的):
4.  Goodbye, Romania
A few weeks ago, in response to readers’letters, we said we would reconsider our spelling of Rumania, as opposed to Romania . The overwhelming preference of these who live in that country is for the spelling which emphasizes their Roman heritage. Accordingly, we have now changed our style to Romania.
                                                                  ~ Time, March 12,1990, p. 4



  • 上一篇:大餅、油條、脆麻花的英文翻譯
  • 下一篇:從失誤看譯者的修養(yǎng)

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