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發(fā)布時間: 2017-09-11 09:43:22   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數:
摘要: 漢語用兩詞語就能表達的英語詞語,在漢語譯文中卻往往從漢語的習慣而出現了四詞語,如“make waves”明明是“作浪”,但在漢語...
筆者曾在其它場合談到過一條英澤漢規(guī)則:明明漢語用兩詞語就能表達的英語詞語,在漢語譯文中卻往往從漢語的習慣而出現了四詞語,如“make waves”明明是“作浪”,但在漢語譯文中看到 的卻都是“興風作浪”。這里所以舊話重提,是再補充并分析若干新收集的實例:
1. Two years before, at fifteen, Pat was tonguded and embarassed with girls; now he seemed to have nothing else but girls on his mind.
-- Andrew H. Greeley : The Cardinal Sins, 1981, p. 3
2. Africans, Indians and Arabs often speak beautifully correct, fluent and musical English, to the puzzlement and envy of the tongue-tied Japanese students.
     ——James Kirup; "New Japan Now", Modern English 
            Teachings August 1979, p . 30
二、以"赤手空拳”譯下例中的“hare hands" 即“赤手”:
3. With their bare hands they are building an irrigation system that is catapulting the country forward from the dark ages of feudalism into modern times.
               —Class Struggle, Summer , 1978 . No. 10,p. 89
三、以“謝天謝地”譯下例中的“thank heavens" 即“謝天”:
4. There is also, thank heavens , less exhortation.
             —The Economist, December 29, 1979, p. 20
四、漢語不會把下例中的“beat the shit”譯作“打得屎滾”而只會譯成“屎滾尿流”的吧:
5. “I always wanted to beat the shit out of that guy.”
—Andrew M. Greeley: The Cardinal Sins, 1981,p. 213
6. Our American system of government seems to some unwieldy or top-heavy.
                          —You and the Law, 1980, p. 28
8. But the gains of the first Green Revolution pale beside the challenge of assuring food supplies for a global population growing at the rate of an additional billion every decade.
                                        -- Newsweek, August 16, 1982,p. SA3
甲. 用四詞語于英譯漢是客觀存在的翻譯法之一;
乙. 但這未必是唯一可取的譯法,有的只能或更宜于采用四詞語,(如一至五所列各例),有的則未必要用四詞語,如:例8的 “pale”就未必要譯作"黯然失色”一一也可譯作“遜色”;而有些四詞語中,有的含有兩個概念, 雖其中有一個概念是原文沒有的,但由于這兩個概念有特殊的、密切的聯(lián)系,故雖用了四詞語而不悖原意;有的則并不因用了四語而比原文多了一個概念,如譯例8中 “pale" 的四詞語“黯然失色”, “黯然”和“失色”是同義反復而不存在兩個概念,當然也是忠實于原文“pale”的。

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