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Disease Introduction of School Failure

發(fā)布時間: 2024-08-20 09:46:12   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網(wǎng)絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: School failure is a process in which a student slips farther and farther behind his peers and gradually disconnects fr...

School Failure

School failure is the inability to meet the minimum academic standards of an educational institution.

School Failure Defined

School failure is a process in which a student slips farther and farther behind his peers and gradually disconnects from the educational system. The end result of school failure is dropping out before graduation. Many cases of school failure occur among students who have the ability and intelligence to succeed but who are unable or unwilling to apply these abilities in the school setting.

Students can begin the slide into failing patterns at any time during their school career, but school failure is more likely to occur at transitional stages, such as when graduating from elementary to middle school or after a family move to a new school system. Failing grades typically are symptoms of emotional, behavioral, or learning problems. In the United States, an estimated 10 to 15 percent of students fail at school.

Why Do People Fail in School?

People who fail in school may feel stupid, but emotional or mental health problems and unidentified learning disorders, rather than low intelligence, often are the causes of their inability to meet the standards of a school.

There are several factors that can lead to school failure, among them depression, anxiety, problems in the family, and learning disabilities.

Depression Depression is one of the most common causes of school difficulties. The condition makes people feel sad for long periods of time, have low energy, and lose interest in activities that normally give them pleasure. People with depression have continuing negative thoughts about themselves and the future, and they may experience changes in cating and sleeping patterns and in their ability to concentrate and make decisions.

They may feel hopeless and may even think about suicide. Depression has been shown to be a leading cause of school failure in young people with learning disabilities. Depression can also cause school failure in students without learning disabilities.

Anxiety Anxiety is a feeling of excessive worry about a possible danger or situation that is intense enough to interfere with a person's ability to concentrate and focus. Students can have genuine reasons to be anxious.

People who have been bullied at school may worry that they will be bullied again. Students may legitimately fear personal violence on the way to or from school. They might worry about their families going through a divorce or about a parent who is ill. Ordinary adolescent worries about looking right and fitting in can be blown so far out of proportion that a student may try to be absent from school just to avoid a possibly embarrassing or uncomfortable situation. This is called "school avoidance." Anxiety in any of its forms can interfere with a student's performance in school.

Problems in the family:

Students also may bring their problems at home to school with them. If a student's family is experiencing violence, unemployment, alcohol or drug use by a family member, problems with the law, or any other upsetting problems, the student may have difficultly concentrating on schoolwork. Many students who are having family problems might have trouble controlling their anger and frustration at school, and they may end up in trouble because of their behavior. Some students who are overburdened at home by circumstances that make it necessary for them to "parent" siblings, hold a job, or care for an ill or impaired parent may find it impossible to keep up in school. Many times students who face overwhelming family or personal problems keep these problems to themselves. School counselors can offer help and prevent student failure if they are made aware of the problem.

Learning disabilities: 

Learning disabilities are conditions that interfere with gaining specific academic skills, such as reading or writing. Learning disorders can hinder a person's ability to concentrate or to process or remember information. When these dificulties are recognized early, certain teaching strategies can help a student overcome the learning disability. Unfortunately, many learning problems may go undiagnosed or may be diagnosed incorrecty as behavior problems. The frustration and depression that can result from undetected learning disabilities is a major cause of school failure or dropping out of school.


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