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Crown court 和 Magistrate's court法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋
2017-10-13 09:29:01    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡(luò)    

上述兩者均是英國England和Wales地區(qū)審理刑事案件的法院。一般說來,凡是案情較輕微,屬于summary offenses的犯罪僅可在magistrate's court ( “治安法院”)中審理[1]。而案情嚴(yán)重,須經(jīng)indictment予以起訴之案件則只能在Crown court ( “刑事法院”)中審理[2] (因Crown Court也作初審法院審理案件, 故筆者認為有人將其譯為“刑事上訴法院”的翻譯不甚妥當(dāng))。此外大量的案件,如theft及多數(shù)burglaries等犯罪,則屬于“triable either way”,即“兩種法院均可審理”之案件。此時, 被告既可選擇接受Crown Court中由一名法官和陪審團進行的審判,其也選擇在magistrate's court審理。但治安法官則可作出“此案因過于嚴(yán)重而應(yīng)移送到Crown Court予以審理之裁定”(the magistrate may decided that the case is so serious that it should be committed to the Crown Court for trial)。
[1]“The magistrate's court bears cases of petty crime. ”Cf. P, H. Collin, Dictionary of Law, 2nd edition,at p. 333, Peter Collin Publishing Ltd. (1993).
[2] "A Crown Court is formed of a circuit judge and jury, and bears major criminal cases. ” Id. at p. 147. “An English court having jurisdiction over major criminal cases. ” Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 384, West Group (1999).

上一篇:Damage 和 Damages法律術(shù)語分析及英語解釋
下一篇:Redirect examination 和 Recross examination法律術(shù)語分析



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