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Broker, Intermediary, Jobber, Finder 和 Middleman法律術語分析
2017-09-29 15:29:16    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

這些單詞均有“中間人”或“居間人”的含義,但各自有一些差異。其中,broker為“經(jīng)紀人”,主要是指以收取傭金 (commission)為目的而代表他人直接參加談判,議價,進行買賣交易者,故其更接近買賣代理人的含義,其可參與多種交易, 如不動產(chǎn)買賣、證券、股票交易等[1] 。intermediary為“居間人”或“調停人”,主要是指在分歧雙方或談判雙方之間進行斡旋,起聯(lián)系或談判作用者[2]。jobber主要是指商品買賣交易中的中間人[3]。finder則是指為他人尋找商機或介紹客戶且因此而領取傭金者,但他卻不直接參與交易談判或運作[4]。middleman所包括的含義較廣,其可指僅將當事人撮合一塊讓他們自己簽約者,也可具有broker, jobber或intermediary等的含義[5]。
[1]“ A person or entity that puts together a buyer and seller of property or services,acting as an agent for one or both of the parties and taking a commission on the transaction. Examples include a broker who arranges insurance coverage for people or companies,a broker who arranges sales of real property,and a broker who arranges purchases and sales of stocks and bond. ”Cf. James E. Clapp, Random House Websters Dictionary of the Law, at p. 64, Random House, New York (2000).
[2]“ A mediator or go-between; a third party negotiator. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 820, West Group (1999).
[3]“ Someone who buys and sells goods wholesale and handles goods on commission. ” Cf. G. H. L. Fridman,Sales of Goods in Canada, 3rd edition, at p. 493, Toronto, Carswell (1986).
[4] "An intermediary who contracts to find, introduce and bring together parties to a business opportunity,leaving ultimate negotiations and consummation of business transaction to the principals. ” The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p. 437, West Publishing Co. (1991 ).
[5] "An agent between two parties;an intermediary who performs the office of a broker or factor between a seller and buyer, producer and consumer, land-owner and tenant, etc." Id. at p. 685.

上一篇:Burden of proof, Burden of production 和 Burden of persuasion法律術語分析
下一篇:Brand, Trademark 和 Trade name法律術語分析



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