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發(fā)布時間: 2024-05-15 09:26:02   作者:etogether.net   來源: 網絡   瀏覽次數(shù):
摘要: 在國內,我們重視公眾外交,經常向群眾介紹我國的外交政策和實踐,我們將繼續(xù)推進平等互信、合作共贏的睦鄰友好合作。




Proceeding from serving the overall situation of national development, we have constantly raised the level of making diplomacy serve domestic economic and social development. We have actively developed cultural exchanges. The "China-France Culture Year" and other activities have enhanced friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people of various countries around the world. Internally, we have paid great attention to public diplomacy, and frequently introduced China's foreign policy and practices to the masses.

We will continue to push forward good neighborly and friendly cooperation featuring equality, mutual trust, cooperation and a "win-win" effect, stabilize and develop ties with developed countries, and deepen and strengthen unity and cooperation with other developing countries. We should continuously heighten our abilities to cope with changes in the international situation and to handle international affairs, render better service for building a relatively prosperous society in an all-round way and for realizing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.




(1) 不斷提高...水平 constantly raise the level

(2) 促進了...友誼和相互理解 enhance friendship and mutual understanding

(3) 繼續(xù)推進...合作 continue to push forward... cooperation

(4) 穩(wěn)定和發(fā)展...關系 stabilize and develop ties

(5) 深化和加強...團結合作 deepen and strengthen unity and cooperation

(6) 要不斷提高應對...的能力 continuously heighten our abilities to cope with...

(7) 更好地為...服務 render better service for...



(1) 國家發(fā)展全局 the overall situation of national development

(2) 公眾外交 public diplomacy

(3) 平等互信、合作共贏 equality and mutual trust, cooperation and a "win-win" effect

(4) 瞌鄰友好合作 good neighborly and friendly cooperation

(5) 國際局勢 international situation

(6) 國際事務 international affairs

(7) 全面建設小康社會 build a relatively prosperous society in an all-round way

(8) 實現(xiàn)祖國統(tǒng)一大業(yè) realize the great cause of the reunification of the motherland



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