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Casebook 和 Hornbook法律術語分析及英語解釋
2017-09-29 16:25:20    etogether.net    網(wǎng)絡    

兩者均是指英、美等國家法學院所使用的法學教科書。casebook為“案例選編”或“判例教科書”,指一種包含法院主要判例及其評論和說明,以供學生學習討論的教科書,收集的多為上訴法院判例,且有作者注釋[1]。而hornbook則為“法學基礎”或“法學基礎理論教科書”,主要包含某領域法律的基本原則或學說 (rudimentary principles or doctrines of an area of law)[2]。同理,casebook method 和 hornbook method 的區(qū)別也在于前者為“判例教學法”,也稱為case method、case system以及 Langdell method,主要在英美法系國家流行;而后者則是以法學原理和學說為主的“法學基礎理論教學法”,也稱為lecture method,主要在大陸法系國家使用,且主要集中于諸如程序法或證據(jù)法等法律領域之教學。

[1] "Type of book used in law school containing text of leading court decisions in particular field of law (e. g. , contracts, torts),together with commentary and other features useful for class discussion and further understanding of subject as prepared by author. ”Cf. The Publisher's Editorial Staff, Black's Law Dictionary, abridged 6th edition, at p. 148 (1991).
[2]“A book explaining the basic, fundamentals or rudiments of any science or branch of knowledge. The phrase hornbook law is a colloquial designation of the rudiments or general principles of law. ”Id. at p. 507.
[3]“The hornbook method predominates in civil-law countries, and in certain fields of law, such as procedure and evidence. ”Cf. Bryan A. Gamer, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th edition, at p. 742,West Group (1999).

上一篇:Charge, Mortgage, Pledge , Lien 和 Hypothecation法律術語分析
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